How To Get Started With Private Podcasts For Your Lead Magnet & Beyond

Private podcasts are gaining in popularity and for good reason...folks are tiring of screentime and downloading PDFs they never get a chance to read.
Podcasts are the ultimate in on-the-go learning. Kim Tradewell, a Podcast Coach & Audio Content Creator, spills the details on how to use private podcasts for your next lead magnet and how else this powerful tool can be used to quickly build the like, know, and trust factor.
In this episode, we talked about...
- the intimacy of voice
- why private podcasts are the antidote to screen time
- meeting people where they are at
- a bunch of ideas for using private podcasts in your business
- what makes a private podcast successful
- the four steps to setting up your first private podcast
- why this lead magnet method is so quick to create
- ways to repurpose existing content into a private podcast
...and much, much more
Things mentioned in this episode
Sign up to get Kim's private podcast, How to use Podcasting to sell your offers, here.
Book a Podcast VIP Day session with Kim here
Learn more about Kim Tradewell
Kim Tradewell, founder of May & James Co., is a podcast coach & strategist helping businesses of any size, have the opportunity to share their unique brand voice with their audiences through audio.
After a decade of working in the field of health promotion, Kim noticed a shift in how people consumed information. Visuals were important, but having the right copy for the audience to understand and believe in was something completely different. The power of hearing someone's voice, to be able to feel their struggles and triumphs was key, and that's where May & James comes in.
Read the full transcript so you don't miss a thing
Kim: Adding audio to your offer allows you to add your uniqueness to the mix. If that makes sense. It allows you to kind of show off your personality through your voice. So you would do it the same as you would do a quiz or anything else. I kind of look at it when I'm working with a client and talking about this as what do you want to talk about for this month or for the next four to six weeks to kind of build up the momentum to lead them to signing up for inserting their email to listen to your private audio feed? Right? So how do you just keep nurturing them through your marketing strategy throughout those four weeks to lead up to it?
Sara: You're listening to the launch playbook podcast, the weekly podcast for service based business owners to discover the starts, stops and tools of transformation that go into launching their online offers. I'm your host, Sara Vartanian. And if you want to launch your ideas into the world faster, with more success and less burnout. Well, friend, consider this show your secret playbook to get you there.
Hey, Kim, welcome to the launch playbook podcast. I'm so excited. You're here today, because you help business owners use the power of audio to grow their audience and amplify their voice. And so I'm hoping that you will tell us a little bit about the journey that took you here.
Kim: Absolutely. Thanks Sara, for having me on. So a little background of what I've done. I've worked in the field of health and wellness for just over a decade. And so my job is essentially providing information to the community I live in around different topics and health and wellness. So for example, active transportation, so encouraging the community to walk or bike to work or to their activities, that kind of thing. So what I started to notice was that people consumed information like it was changing, everybody's lives are busy. And in order to get information to the community, we had to start thinking differently. So we were bringing in speakers that brought value in all those things. But we still weren't seeing the numbers that we were hoping to show up. So not only does the content and the value have to be relatable, but the way we deliver it has to be unique. So this is where audio has come in the power of hearing someone's voice to be able to feel their struggles and triumphs was key to creating impact and change. So using this experience, I started my company man, James CO, to ensure that businesses of any size have the opportunity to share their unique brand voice with their audiences through audio.
Sara: Amazing. And right there. You mentioned that there's this shift in the way people are consuming content. Why do you think that's happening?
Kim: Honestly, I just feel like we need to meet people where they're at the example that I use bringing in guest speakers in the evening, like parents want to know stuff, like that's just an example of parents as our target audience, but they want to know as much information as they can, but honestly, they just don't have the time. So how do we give them that information in a different way? Where are they at? And where can they be listening to information on the go?
Sara: And something I've been thinking about to have this conversation today we're having was just that, like, the amount that we've been using zoom the past two years, we've all just shifted our whole worlds on zoom in our personal lives. And I wonder if that's brought back in even just like this push towards audio, as opposed to like getting on camera again, right? Because, like tirely.
Kim: I think we want to reduce screen time as much as we can in different ways. Right? So this is just a unique way to do that.
Sara: Yeah, I've definitely been loving podcasts more and more or less past year, because I feel like, again, sitting in front of my computer more than ever now. It's like putting my earbuds in I can get walking or do something. Movement, right?
Kim: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.
Sara: So why do you think hearing someone's voice is so important? You mentioned a little bit about meeting them where they're at and getting the connection. But can you tell me a little bit more, tell us a little more about what it can do for our business and why we want to hear that?
Kim: Absolutely. So I know lots people say this, but listening to someone's voice is an intimate experience. It allows you to build images of a story that you're telling, if that makes sense. The authenticity that comes through your voice and the way you deliver the information really does matter. So storytelling is a is a great way it's a great tool to use when you're using audio to be able to get that information and capture your listeners attention. So people only want to give attention to something that when it matters and when they can relate to it. So you not eat don't really get that through static picture. Right? So it's it's kind of weird how it does that. So I know I have a few podcasts that are my favorite. And I feel like I know them. But I wouldn't absolutely run up to the street if I saw them in real life. But listening to them really does make them feel familiar and what can it do for your business. It's just a great way to build rapport with your listeners and ideal clients. You know what establishes you as the authority in your business to go to expert in your field. So your podcast will build that like no one trust factor that everybody says but we like to call it relationship building.
Sara: I love that I love all about relationship building and like human connection and business. And I think that Yeah, there is something about hearing someone's voice it is just like antenna it takes me back to those like calls when I was a teenager with friends like just talking over a phone and like there's something about more intimate I think when you are not even on video, right? When you're just like listening to someone talk.
Kim: When you're just like listening to someone talk, yeah, you can really see if you could work with them in some capacity if you wanted to, like, I don't know, you just you can tell like that you can hear like the warmth coming across to their humor and things like that.
Sara: Yes. And I do. And I think, as you said, like that, like no interest factor that we all talk about is really so important. Like, what a great way to warm it up by hearing someone actually talk to you. Yeah. So what are some of the ways we could be using private podcasts in our business?
Kim: so I love podcasts. And for this exact reason, you can use private podcasting or audio in so many different ways for your business. So I'm actually like, I actually developed a private audio feed myself, and it's actually called selling your offers to podcasting, and it's released tomorrow. And it's all about how marketing can like how you can use marketing, through audio in your business. So you can use it in your business for webinars, launch content, order bumps, sales, masterclasses workshops. I mean, there's so many different ways challenge content, interview series, case studies, and even like having your clients or past clients give you audio testimonials and reviews. It's just kind of a unique way to use it. So not only can you use private podcasts for marketing, but you can also use it for educational content. So you could do your courses through audio group programs, memberships, mini courses, ebook, audio only course or workshop guidance, or event recordings. So like you do q&a calls, one on one calls, group coaching summits, presentations, and then like it doesn't even end there. You can do event recorded, so team and operations. So let's say you have a few employees starting, you could do client onboarding. So instead of like reading through a boring orientation manual, and I don't know how many out there have had to do that in a previous job. But I don't really get I don't really get a whole lot out of that. So wouldn't it be cool to like, throw your your ear pods in and just listen to kind of the highlights of what they really want you to know. And then also like niche specific so you could do like meditations or audio travel guides, cooking instructions, tech walkthrough. So really private podcasts can work in your business in so many different ways. I'm just having to highlight the part marketing piece through mine, but I thought it was a neat way to do even try the process myself and see how long it took to actually get it rolling.
Sara: Neat. So I have so many questions from that many examples. So I'm going to try to hone down in here for a couple minutes. Okay, so why private podcast unlike this podcast, which is public through iTunes, why something private tell us a little bit about that, and what makes it private apart?
Kim: okay. So it allows you to offer exclusive content. And you can also create urgency around it by having it offered for only a limited amount of time, which is pretty cool. So private feed means that it isn't accessible or discoverable, like a public feed like yours. So each subscriber gets a unique RSS feed that they can listen to on their favorite podcast player. So Apple overcast, whatever they listen to podcasts on. So you're able to create an uncomplicated way to consume the information you meet your people and your students, your listeners where they're at. And if you have courses, it gives you the opportunity to actually get your courses completed, and maybe even coaching calls being listened to, you can use it as a lead magnet, create an audio version for your offers, it just can add huge value.
Sara: Neat. Now, are there any specific rules that you think that every biz owner who was looking to use a private podcast, and their business should follow? So it's successful?
Kim: Yeah. So you really need to have a clear message and a clear marketing plan. So creating content that your ideal client is looking for, create the journey for your listeners. So three things to consider your message, and the strategy and the content. So how clear is your message, know how to talk about what you do, and why in a simple yet powerful way. Because audio, you can't really create a whole lot of fluff, you have to get like you have to get right to the point. So you're able to talk about the problems and the pain points that your ideal client is having to make sure that you really get that kind of niche down. And what is the strategy you're using to market and promote your offers. So have a plan to generate more traffic capture more leads, which will result in hopefully more sales? So use it as a lead generation strategy, and then having them like nurturing them along the way to pass a purchase? So thinking of it as an audio sales funnel, if that makes sense. And then what type of content are you putting out? Is there value and why would someone care? So creating content that leads and guides to your clients success?
Sara: Okay, so as you're talking about what it takes to have a successful podcast, I'm wondering how do we also make our podcasts accessible to people, we want to make sure that we can reach them where they're at. We want to make sure that all of our audience can actually use them and listen and receive the information so what can we do really?
Kim: So scripting for sure. Like you want to be Be able to have your audio scripted and find it on your website, or wherever you're directing your clients and customers to, you definitely want to have your key messages on there and information so that if someone is not able to hear, they can still read and get the same amount of value out of it as anyone else.
Sara: Right? So it's kind of like transcripting service basically is, is there anyone that you recommend in general, I know we use otter often for ours.
Kim: For sure, and I mean, I use Hello audio for my hosting platform to do private or public feeds. And they also offer transcription piece to their platform as well.
Sara: Awesome. Okay, so let's dig in a little bit more to using a private podcast for a list building funnel, because I know you can give us so many great ideas to talk about them all. But I feel like the list building funnel is one that feels like it's really doable to get started with. Yeah, and maybe a really interesting way, instead of saying like, doing the PDF, or the video or the quiz, yeah, how could we use it for list building?
Kim: Adding audio to your offer allows you to add your uniqueness to the mix. If that makes sense. It allows you to kind of show off your personality through your voice. So you would do it the same as you would do a quiz or anything else. I kind of look at it when I'm working with a client and talking about this as what do you want to talk about for this month, or for the next four to six weeks to kind of build up that momentum to lead them to signing up, for instance, in their email to listen to your private audio feed? Right? So how do you just keep nurturing them through your marketing strategy throughout those four weeks, or whatever you want to do for to lead up to it? Does that make sense?
Sara: Yeah, so after we record, whatever our lead magnet essentially is about, because that's where your list building is about, it's like somehow a lead magnet people are signing up for right in exchange for this information. When it's done. We would put like an offer at the end of it. Is that how we could use it just like you would just like we would in a lead magnet?
Kim: Yeah. So if it's like a regular public feed, you would hopefully sell your offers, right from day one. Because that's all part of building a podcast for your business. Right? So when do you sell your offers, and I always say like, absolutely from day one, because you want your clients to know who you are, and what you offer and how they can work with you. So whether it's a self sponsored ad in the middle, so you do it this the same as a public, you can have a self sponsored ad in your private feed. Or you can just talk about it and say this is what we do Beginning, middle or end depending on how your flow is and how you've scripted it out. I kind of like adding it as I go because I don't make kind of make sense for the way I talk. But yeah, it's it's just really unique to your business. But it is a great marketing tool that you can add to your list of things that you can try.
Sara: So at the end of these, like just private podcast, let's save our list building funnel, we have our offer, let's say, let's say there's one podcast essentially in there, that's a better offer, are we ever like what happens then so we're done right? Like we have our couple podcasts that get to the end, we have an offer, does a private practice just stopped and like we don't have to keep filling it up or what options there?
Kim: So it's really cool, because you can do it kind of immediate and just released. However many episodes you have, like, for example, the one that I just did, I did four days of quick listening tips, but you can listen to them all if you want, because I'll release them at a specific time. So I'm releasing them tomorrow, but you don't have to release them at a specific date, you can release them immediately as soon as you're ready. And you can also have a timeframe on them, which I kind of love because you can say it's only available until this date, which creates that kind of sense of urgency. And then the other thing is you can do it as a drip like you can you know release one a week or however you would like to do it. So there's three different ways to do it. But yeah, like you can just kind of wrap it up have like a good URL for people to get to to go to to sign up for your offers I least like having something that sounds catchy so that people remember it. And then maybe next month, you start talking and generating more buzz about your next private podcast, you can kind of use it however it suits you. Maybe you just do it twice a year to highlight one of your big launches or something. It really depends on your business and what your marketing plan is.
Sara: So if we were using it for a list building funnel, and we get to the end, we have this again we have this the seller the next step, would it be okay for us to come back like even three months later and add something on another episode on like, Is that possible? To tell them about the next thing? Would they get notification? What would happen?
Kim: Absolutely. And the beauty of having that is that you have their email so now you can start creating if they didn't if they weren't ready to purchase from you, then maybe they will eventually once you keep warming them up through your email lesson through your emails like allowed, you know you can use it in so many different ways. It's just really adds a different, different approach.
Sara: right and then when we're list building like so one of the things we've talked about before in this podcast is the emails that go when I was building funnels. So for example, we have usually like the welcome one where it's delivered like so in this case that we could deliver a guest the URL for the podcast and then let's say if we did it drip the eclipse hidden second day, we usually have something around we call it like shifting a belief, something you need to get on, like start thinking about differently. So we could really be pairing each episode if we wanted to, if we chose to drip with those emails, correct?
Kim: Yes, it really can nurture
Sara: Or we could just let them go out at once, as you said, and just remind them to go back to the to get the information?
Kim: Yes, yeah, there's so many different ways to look at it. You just got to figure out what makes sense with what your plan is. But yeah, like the nurturing sequence would be fantastic.
Sara: Okay, so you may or may not know this about me, but I used to be an elementary school teacher. So I'm kind of all about those clear steps to get decent. Yeah, so could you walk us through the steps we need to take to set up a private podcast.
Kim: Absolutely. So there's four steps. And that's what the Hello audio platform that I use.
So step one is setting up your feed. So you really just upload your cover art, which you can really just make in Canva, you choose your delivery methods, whether it's instant, scheduled, or drip, like we talked about, and then you write a little description.
Step two is upload your files. So this can either be straight audio files, or can be your video files that you have from a course and you don't have to worry about stripping the audio from the video, it just uploads it.
Step three is you add your listeners. So this can be done through a sales funnel, like we talked about. Or you can add your listeners individually, depending on whether you have this for your students or for potential clients.
And step four, you manage your listeners so you can see what listeners are active, how many downloads their link has pulled, you can also enable and disable their unique links depending on the circumstances. So maybe you even have like some kind of payment plan, like maybe it's like an additional and it's a bonus, and it's an add on material, and you have a payment part to it. So if someone hasn't paid you can actually just disable their RSS feed.
So those four simple steps and honestly, I tried it just last week, I spent the afternoon kind of writing out a script and kind of writing out what I wanted. And then I played around a little bit with my emails as well right? So it was pretty quick for me, it just depends how picky you are with your sound and how much editing you want it to do. And then also if you want to add some music to the beginning and end just like you would with a regular podcast, it's really you don't have to it's you can make it as simple as possible. And that's the beauty of private podcasts right? It's maybe podcasting isn't your thing for your business. But this like private podcast, there's so many different ways you can use it. Audio should be part of your marketing plan in some capacity.
Sara: So do you feel like with a private podcast we can you're seeing that being more forgiving around the editing like it's, it's okay, it's more of a conversation and less like all the sounds and like the sort of the intro and outro is around type of stuff. It can be more casual, let's call it?
Kim: Absolutely can be more casual. Yep, it just depends how much time you want to put towards it. Right? And if you're doing it yourself or if you're hiring, you know, some of this stuff out really just depends like how quickly you want to turn this information out to your potential clients or your students.
Sara: And is there a sweet spot for how long an episode should be in a private podcast?
Kim: Oh my gosh, I think it's like public like a regular podcast. There's so like, I listened to him right now that's like literally it's maybe 10 minutes, sometimes only eight, it really depends on I get good value out of them. It really depends on your content. And what you're delivering mine are like between five and 10 minutes long. And so it really depends on your information. There's no rules to it.
Sara: And you're also mentioning that with using Hello audio, which is what you said the tech you're using, that you can look at your listeners and see like what they're doing like their their activity level. Kind of reminds me of like what you can see in your email insight. Yeah, I'm wondering when we can see our users activity level, is there a way that we can then prompt certain people to go back in and listen? Would it connect to our emails provider or we have to like download their names into our email service provider? Like is there any capability around that?
Kim: I feel like they are really user friendly with emails now and like Zapier is part of the process so there's lots of capabilities I don't know specifically on that answer but I know there's so much capabilities with linking emails right it would just be like a quick tutorial and they have such a good support system like you can just like kind of contact them to their support and they get back to you really quickly
Sara: but we wouldn't be able to see that information should we want to like re prompt them basically
Kim: Absolutely.
Sara: Who'd actually know who's been in there not type of things we kind of know how warm or cold they are which is cool?
Kim: Yes yeah yeah absolutely a neat way to have stats until the backup like what content is being actually listened to
Sara: Yeah, that's such good information right? If more of this or not more of this so I know a lot of what can hold folks back from moving forward with an idea is the tech so got any recommendations I know you've mentioned Hello audio. And do we need to be tech savvy to make it happen?
Kim: No, I don't believe you have to I honestly it's such an easy process. If you're comfortable and you already have like your microphone and you've recorded your own voice before like I think feel like that's almost like most of like a lot of people's like roadblocks is they're not even sure if they like their voice, the sound of their voice. So getting over that and just recording yourself a few times I think is like the biggest step and the rest you can absolutely figure it out. And if you can't figure it out there's like I said, lots of support or there's people like me that would love to work with small business owners to add this to their marketing for their business.
Sara: Right and any recommendations specifically for where to record our audio in like as far as like platforms when you're saying you're using Hello audio for the private podcast? But like, can we actually record in there to or audio? Or should we doing it on our phones or on zoom? like where do we actually record as our speaking?
Kim: You can do it wherever you're comfortable doing it. Absolutely. You can record everything on a phone. I know someone that does everything on their phone, and she does a ton of private podcast and actually the sound isn't bad. But use whatever platform you're really more comfortable with whether it's zoom or whether it's audacity recorded there and then you just upload your files into Hello audio just like a regular hosting platform.
Sara: Please. And what do you wish everyone knew about launching a private podcast for their business?
Kim: And what do you wish everyone knew about launching a private podcast for their business just like I said, there's so many neat ways to use private podcasts in your business and then it can result in increased consistent qualified leads increased traffic, you could grow your email list like we talked about, it builds that enthusiastic demand for your mission products and services and it also can build your confidence with speaking like we just touched on it gets you visible while growing a profitable connection with your audience and it's easily like you can easily repurpose your content for other platforms which is also really cool so for me having a marketing plan simplified makes so much more sense because it's really difficult for businesses to figure out what are they going to talk about for the next few weeks and how do they build up those warm leads to a certain offer or launch they're doing and this allows you that opportunity to really simplify things and to yeah to make it work and also the other cool thing is that unlike public podcasts that the initial time when you're setting things up it can take two weeks to get your all the applications especially through apple and stuff done with the private feeds it's like up and running like today there's no downtime you can get out your information right away.
Sara: that's really good to know Yeah, as you were saying this too It was making me think I had this conversation earlier today with someone and we were talking about getting our ideas out into the world quickly it were specifically we were talking about actually putting an offer out using out using a Google Doc as opposed to waiting till it's like all designing pretty on your own yeah and this really makes reminds me of private podcasts because I think one of the barriers when I work with coffee clients and we're launching a new lead magnet right is all the design behind it right so if we're gonna do a video it's like they got to be camera ready and scripted out and then there's usually some slides with it or quiz can take like I know when I when I read a quiz for clients usually takes me six weeks right yeah, and then we still have to get to the tech part of it that's just the round part PDFs all the design all the cost behind that I feel like and then you don't actually no The truth is even with all our research we don't always actually know if it's gonna land like we can do whatever we all that research we want to do but but like it till it's out there. And it's in people's hands. We're not sure. So I love that this feels like a quick way to like record like again like my hair. Right now. It's in a fuzzy bond. I'm not makeup ready. Am I camera today? Yeah. And you could just go record this and put it out there and tested so quickly.
Kim: And it's in people's hands. We're not sure. So I love that this feels like a quick way to like record like again like my hair. Right now. It's in a fuzzy bond. I'm not makeup ready. Am I camera today? Yeah. And you could just go record this and put it out there and tested so quickly. Yeah, you can. Yeah, and I love that you said testing because I always say that to clients like test things don't spend like because we I feel like we get wrapped up into all of those things. And we want it like the perfectionism of all of it, like, get it out there to the world and see if there's any connections like see if it works like and the benefits of audio is that you can pre record it. You don't have to be dressed
Sara: On expectation not to be recorded. Like it's totally, yeah, you're supposed to be doing.
Kim: Yeah, yeah, it's not like doing a live webinar.
Sara: Once you knew what was landing, then you could say Oh, like like, let's say there's four episodes Oh, everyone's really liking this like episode, let's call it this, maybe that's the one that you're going to take further into a video if you wanted to, or you're going to make a pretty PDF or, or something like that, I think you'd have so much more information and you can you could like the idea, you can get it out and test an idea super quickly. That's so cool. Especially if you were like linking a lead magnet to a launch or an offer that you had that you were testing. And I think when we don't put so much again, when we put a lot of time behind like the PDFs and the quizzes and the videos, then we attach a lot of expectation to the result and what it means for us and also sometimes what it can mean to the budget because we probably spend a lot on that budget as well sometimes, whereas it sounds like if we do this again, we test it, we get it out. We see what works. We have it sounds kind of fun. You could do an afternoon.
Kim: there's so many different ways you can promote your business without having to spend a ton of money right so I'm always for that like let's see what what piques interest. Let's See what topics are, you know, most popular and then dive into that. And then you can spend some add money to those or, or more money and the copy and all those things, but figured some of that stuff out first before you spend yours to foreign.
Sara: I love this too because as well, you mentioned earlier was that we could repurpose something that we have like maybe we've done the video for something else, and it'll just strip out the audio for us. So like if you wanted to take something that you've taught somewhere else and reuse through private podcasts, like for a lead magnet, or I was even thinking so I was talking to a client about, we need to do a reengagement campaign for their newsletter cuz it's been a while since I've written and we want to give them something right people like something kind of like a nice goodie to be like, Hey, we're coming back. And we have this for you. And we're thinking like, what could we do? That was easy, but it's actually really valuable. And that's one of the things we're going to pull something from a membership, right? And so that, how great would that be just put into private podcast, we wouldn't have to create much we're just gonna put into here and think about from a client perspective, like how value do you feel like you would be if somebody made the effort to make you a private audio feed on that specific topic? Like How awesome would that be?
So cool. I really I really love that. So thank you for talking to us about private podcast and how we can see them for our business, honestly, like it sounds like the possibilities are pretty endless. I love that we can just take action really quickly, as you're saying. And it does seem like tech isn't really much of a barrier, especially with this Hello, audio platform you're talking about.
Kim: Yeah, and you want things to be as simplified as possible, otherwise, we don't try them.
Sara: Exactly. So tell us a little more Kim, where we can find you online and how we can work with you to launch our private podcast or planning around podcasting in general?
Kim: So you can reach me at me and James or on Instagram at me and James co that's where I talk all things audio, and I would love to have a chance to talk. I'm very passionate about audio. Sounds like I get excited and I talk too fast. But I offer a couple of different intensive offers ones podcasts like strategy intensive and one's a podcast launch weekend. So it did really depends on where you're at in your journey. If you want to just do a quick chat to see where you're at first. That's what I do with most of my clients. And then we kind of dive into what would be the best intensive for you and what would work, get the results quicker.
Sara: And of course, you will find all of the links to Kim in the show notes and definitely reach out to her to chat all things podcasting. Thanks again for joining us today. It was so fun to talk to you about private podcasting. And I'm definitely inspired to try it for my own business. So I'm going to be doing something I know from my own list coming up soon.
Kim: Absolutely. And just want to add to like it doesn't matter what size your business or how large your audience is, you can leverage your voice to build your audience and client roster at any stage of the game. So don't let that hinder you from starting something new.
Sara: Thanks, Kim. Thanks.
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