What It Really Takes To Have A 6-Figure Launch with Sandra Booker

Sandra Booker, an online business manager and growth strategist, works with familiar names in online marketing space behind-the-scenes on their launches. In this episode, she shares tactics for what it really takes to have a six-figure launch and how identify opportunities to raise your launch revenue from five-figures to six-figures.
In this episode, we talked about...
- Sandra shares how she helps well-known online business owners on their launches
- ideas to raise our launch revenue from 5-figures to 6-figures
- strategies that are often overlooked (and that make a big difference)
- how to predict if your business will hit a high-revenue launch
- launch levers we can pull to make a great launch even better
- whether it's possible to anticipate when your business will reach a 6-figure launch
...and much, much more
Things mentioned in this episode
- 50 others you can also outsource to a VA - https://anyoldtask.ca/va-task-list
- FREE Launch Maps - www.saravartanian.com/launch-map
Learn more about Sandra Booker
Sandra Booker is an online business manager and growth strategist specializing in helping overworked, overwhelmed, multi-hatted entrepreneurs become the CEOs of sustainable, scalable, and profitable businesses. Sandra’s received accolades in her community like the 40 Under 40 award, and her clients include familiar names like Chanti Zak, Tarzan Kay, and Laura Belgray.
In her (efficiently used) spare time, she teaches others how to build and grow their own 6-figure virtual assistant practices and is on a mission to create a million jobs by helping her clients and students scale their businesses.
Connect with her in IG: https://www.instagram.com/anyoldtask/
Say Hi on FB: https://www.facebook.com/anyoldtaskca:
Check her Twitter: https://twitter.com/anyoldtask
Check out her Website: https://anyoldtask.ca/
Read the full transcript so you don't miss a thing
Sandra: Embrace, not getting it perfect. So many people I talk to they're like, Oh, I can't do it yet, because of XYZ, they wait years and years. Just just put something out there. If this is something that you believe is going to help your audience, then you're stealing from them if you don't, if you don't offer it to them, so you know, make the offer, do it dirty, do it, like, do it imperfectly, and just see what happens. And the other thing is, test things and pay attention. So if you put an offer out, and it doesn't sell, do the research to figure out why it didn't sell so that you can tweak whatever needs to be tweaked in order to sell it better next time.
You're listening to the launch playbook podcast, the weekly podcast for service based business owners to discover the starts, stops and tools, the transformation that go into launching their online offers. I'm your host, Sara Vartanian. And if you want to launch your ideas into the world faster, with more success and less burnout. Well, friend, consider this show your secret playbook to get you there.
Sara: Today, I'm chatting with Sandra Booker, an online business manager and growth strategist specializing in helping overworked overwhelmed multi headed entrepreneurs become the CEO's of sustainable, scalable and profitable businesses. I am so excited to speak to Sandra today because she is someone that I have followed and admired in the online industry for years and years. And so getting to spend an hour chatting with her this interview feels like so special. And honestly, I feel really lucky to have this time with her. It's something I've talked about before on the podcast, how would you you know you're hosting this time, it's like you get to have a special strategy hour with the person that you're talking to. And that feels really lucky. And I'm so glad that I can bring Sandra and her expertise to the launch playbook podcast today.
Welcome, Sandra.
Sandra: Thanks so much for having me, Sarah, I'm really excited for this conversation too, because I've been following you for a while as well. So it's nice to actually get to speak to you one on one.
Sara: Oh my gosh, it's gonna be such a great conversation, I have so many good questions lined up for you. We're going to maximize it with Sandra, of course, I've already mentioned I've heard your name from so many business owners I admire over the years, I've seen you in the online space for years. Tell us a bit more about how you work with these entrepreneurs?
Sandra: My services, I tend to I have clients that have been with me for so long that they're still they're still from when I was offering virtual assistant services. So I have a couple of people on my team that help them with like virtual assistant services. But the way I work with my clients, basically I run their business, so I have some who they it's just fractional business management where I'm there for consultation and support. And we set up like a meeting cadence. And we work on planning, and goal setting and business assessment and all of that so that they know where they're going, what they're trying to drive to. And then we talk about like how to get there and like what KPIs they should be looking at. And you know, what they should be keeping their eye on and what projects they should be working towards working on each quarter, things like that. So those are my fractional business management clients. And then I have a couple of clients that I've been working with for years and years just running their business when Laura Bell gray when swords and Kate Tarzan is probably the one that I do the most for in regards to business management. So I'm in there I She calls me the boss of her business. So because I do manage the team and manage the projects, I handle all of the goal setting like we I I'm the one that's driving the bulls heading and things like that, making sure that we're all on the same page moving forward. So that's kind of the, you know, overview of what I'm doing in their business.
Sara: Oh my gosh, that's a lot. And I feel like we owe like right now. knottingley like, I need a Sandra Booker on my business. Oh my gosh. So you call a lot of familiar names, the online business space your clients like Shanti Zak, you mentioned Tarzan K or Laura Bell Gray. And you get to work with them on their lunches. So now the big question, what does it take to have those kind of big six figure launches?
Sandra: So it's funny because it's a, it's a? It's a hard question to answer, because it really is different for everybody like what, you know, for instance, what Laura Bell Gray might do for her lunches is going to be different than what Tarzan K does for hers. And what Shanti does for her is and all of that, but I would say like the big thing, in order to have six figure launch one, you need some support, it's really hard to to do it all yourself and still be happy at the end of it. So even a little bit of support just having somebody to load your emails for you so that you have two sets of eyes so that the links work and you're not having to send it a budget oops emails and that the sales page is loading and things like that. Having that second pair of eyes would be super, super handy. And then too, you need to have a really good can connection with your audience.
So if all you've done is, you know, put out a freebie, and really never spoke to anybody on your on your email list is going to be much harder to sell. And to that six figures, then you've been nurturing them if you've been getting to know them if you've been actually actively figuring out who they are, and I'd say, knowing who they are, is really important. And then writing your messages to them, it's, you know, and segmenting your list as well. So those are really the like the big factors that kind of transcend every type of launch that I've seen, is that if you don't have a really good relationship with your audience is going to you're going to struggle, and if you don't have some support somebody to lean on, and you know, it's like a pair buys, you're going to struggle.
Sara: And so you're eventually getting second pair of eyes on our emails, what kind of support would be ideal would you think for, let's say, people who were maybe hitting those first five figure launches, and then want to start going forward, and you know, aiming for those six years.
Sandra: So it depends on where you're struggling, honestly. So I've seen some people where it's the support, like, if you're already doing a five figure launch, you have to figure out where is the the issue. So sometimes it's your conversion rates. So and it can be your conversion rate from depending on what you're doing for your launch. But maybe it's like, you're not getting enough people in your webinar. Or maybe you're not getting enough people going from your webinar to your sales page. Or maybe you're not getting enough people to convert on your sales page to actually buying. So you do have to look at your numbers in each stage and figure out where you can optimize that conversion rate. If all your conversion rates are really good, and it's just, you know, you're struggling, writing enough email, or, you know, you don't have enough time to load the emails and like, do all the things that you need to do, then maybe you might just need some support with like from a virtual assistant to actually be the person loading those emails for you and making sure that those things are done and working and running properly. You can look at like a lodge manager type person, but that's not again, that's like if you're having trouble making sure that everything is happening on time if you're trying to have like expiring bonuses, but they're not actually expiring or not actually be loaded properly, that having a launch manager might be useful. So I always steer clear from telling people like this is what you need because it really does depend on what's happening in your launch. One of my my my clients is a copywriter and many of my clients is our copywriters. But one of them is a copywriter, and she's an amazing copywriter. But when you're writing for yourself, sometimes you miss the obvious so she had done a launch and she was saying, you know, Sandra, I don't know what's happening. Like I'm not getting anywhere. I'm like, let me take a look at your sales page. And I'm not a copywriter but I am a second set of eyes and I do work with so many copywriters I've learned a lot through osmosis. And I was able to just look at her and like, I've just I can't remember what her heading was. But I was like, is that what they your people want? And she's like, No, like, always change of that header. She changed that up filter program. Like it was literally like two tweaks on her sales page. And it changed, turned everything around. Sometimes you just need somebody else to look at it. So don't think you have to do everything yourself.
Sara: Oh my gosh, I I'm nodding my head because I as a copywriter to I'm often hiring other copywriters for my own stuff, because it's so challenging to do your own thing. So you mentioned looking at the numbers from stage to stage in a launch? Is there sort of like let's call it it's really an estimate or a range, we can tell that our conversion rates good? How do we know?
Sandra: Yeah, again, that's really it's hard to say because like, if you look at industry averages that usually like which industry are you looking at and how accurate are those, where are they from, and it also depends on who you're sending the email to is that like, if you're sending an email to your entire email list versus a small segment of your email list who you know is interested in product, then your rates are going to be different. So typically, if you're just looking from regardless of what you do in the middle part it but if you're just looking at the people emailed versus the people who bought then if you're sending to your whole list, you know, one to 2% is not bad, it's pretty average. So I would try and aim for like that, you know, one and a half to 2% and you'd be doing pretty good if you're looking at your whole list as a whole if you're doing a small segment of your list then that should be your your sales should for those people should be like five to 8% or more usually like you know if you're doing six to 7% You're doing pretty pretty good and there's probably room there's always room for improvement but look at the spot that is you know, you might be struggling with more in regards to like other stats. What you can do is especially if you belong Should it before, then just look at what you've done before. And just try and do better than what you've done before, like trying to compare yourself to yourself. Because if you're comparing to like a lot of other people, like there's so many factors in a watch, because it's it's depends on, it depends on your offer, it depends on your price, it depends on your relationship with your list, it depends on how good your sales pages, it depends on the words that you use in your webinar, or whatever your there's so many little factors that it's really hard to say like, this is definitively the conversion rate you should be getting. But if you're doing like a webinar or something like that, then you're probably going to want to see a good 30 People 30% of the people who sign up to actually show up to the webinar, like that is kind of like a minimum, usually. And then of those people you're going to want to have, you know, I'd say at least I've seen some people say 30% sell on the webinar, I'd say at least 10% of the people who attend, you'd probably want them to be buying. So again, it depends like it's really hard when you're looking at numbers, because people will be like, do you I just look at the people who attended the webinar when I'm looking at that number. So I'd say like if 10% of the people who have showed up to your webinar by that's, that's pretty decent, like by like within that day, that's pretty easy.
Sara: That's really helpful to have, like at least some baseline numbers for us to start thinking about. And I love how you pointed out the fact that compare yourself to yourself like yourself to your last lunch, not someone else's. I know. At one point I did a Mumsnet affiliate for Amy Porterfield, DCAA and Academy and seeing what went on back end of that launch. Even as someone who like writes launch copy for people I was there were so much happening and so many other supports. I'm like No wonder. And obviously, she's been there for years and has had this team for years. But it was it was a really good reminder. Another reality check. Just like didn't really not compare what you see
Sandra: Yeah. Compare? Yeah. Because yeah, jury during a big lunch like that a big huge affiliate lunch like that. What's happening up there team is they're looking at all those numbers. They're looking at all those stages, and they're seeing Okay, well, oh, geez, normally, normally, we have X amount, X percent of people signed up by now. So let's do some extra things to try and get more people in. And they have such a big team or, you know, big support team for it, that they can pivot and move and add, you know, a bit easier than, like, then just little old, you or little little me, like, you know, me and one other person, if you're like, I'm going to do another webinar, it's gonna be a totally different topic halfway through my lunch, we've never even talked about it. Your team, even if you have two or three people, they're gonna be like, are we? I don't know. Are you sure. But they have the support. So you can't you can't compare. Like, if you look at Murray's stuff, like her website, her landing page for her webinar, that's it's split test. And her landing page, or the sales pages split test, everything is split test. She has teams, she has like, you know, special code, like special, like developer coding her site sales page, so you're not going to get if you're using LeadPages, you're not going to get a sales page. As you know, fun and funky is very early on. And that's totally fine. Like, you can work up to that. So.
Sara: I think a lot of us who are probably not doing split testing of those types of things like it's, it's much more complicated when it's just a small team or yourself to figure that out.
Sandra: Yeah, and that's why I like a tool like LeadPages, or something, because you can, you can just pay for that, like you're going into launch up here, upgrade your service, so that you can do some split testing, downgrade your service afterwards if you want, but upgrade. So you can do some split testing, so that you can actually have two different versions of your webinar, landing page or your pre launch con, or sales page or whatever. And then it gives you a lot of good insight when you're doing the split tests. But remember to only change one thing, like you can have like two wholly different pages and split test those, that's fine. But if you're when you're then you start getting down to the nitty gritty and just change one thing and see how that goes. So it's it is a lot to do when you're by yourself.
Sara: Yeah, I'd like that you call that out? Because I was gonna ask you were saying again, back to the stages, you know, that went from what are you bringing people in to the sales page and all the things that can change? Where do you recommend that we focus on let's say, from launch to launch focusing on like one main area to change or could it be one thing per area? What should we like, I guess, how do we start putting incrementing putting those changes into place?
Sandra: We usually like you know if you're because usually you're going through your launch in stages. So when we're going through, we start the registrations for like webinar or for like our live training series or for a challenge or whatever it is, we're going to look at how well is that page converting? And if we can, we're going to tweak some things to try and get page to convert better. So double checking, usually we're gonna double check our headlines, make sure that it's looking good on mobile. So many people design on desktop and never look on mobile. And it's, you need to be looking at yourself on mobile app. So yeah, so definitely looking to make sure that it's, it's good on mobile, making sure that like the registration page button isn't too far down, that you have testimonials, a pyre, doing like little tweaks like that when you're on the registration page. And then when you get to the sales page, same thing. So once you start selling, then if your webinar is overlapping, which it often does, but you're converting fairly decently there, you can, you know, turn your attention to your sales page and make sure that it's going to convert really well there. But if you get to the sales thing, and your webinars still not converting, you're still not getting people on, then you need to think about that for your next round. That you need to make sure you have something converting sometimes is not what's on the page, either. Sometimes it's just the content. If there's a mismatch between the webinar topic that you're putting up there, and the people that's on your list, then they're not going to convert, especially if it's newer people that came in on a freebie, if they like if they can give out on a freebie that was wholly unrelated to your webinar topic. They're not ready to, to go to move on. So I see I do see some people who they don't really have a big list yet. So they just think they can run ads. And they create a freebie and they get a bunch of people on their head through their ads onto their freebie into their list. And then they offer them something that's completely different than what they just attracted them with. And then they wonder why nobody's converting.
Sara: Those are such good tips.
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Sara: The Lead pages do you recommend we use those for landing pages and our sales pages during the launches as opposed to building them right on our site?
Sandra: Depending on your site. I do because a lot of us if we filter our site ourselves, we're not necessarily optimized for traffic look, you know, kind of look at your bounce rate. If you have your analytics turned on look at your bounce rate. If your bounce rate is 60% or higher, you might want to build on the stronger server because most of us have like the lowest package for hosting. And we've used a drag and drop builder like Divi Builder or Beaver Builder or something like that with and we're on WordPress and there's a bunch of bloat like on all of that if you're on something like if you're on Squarespace, you might have a better time event or if you're on show it might have a better time of it, their servers are more optimized for getting people there, there, the bounce rate on those pages tends to be a lot lower. So but yeah, if your site is on WordPress, and it's basically you've built it yourself, there's a good chance you're gonna want to put it somewhere else, because what you don't want is somebody going to your sales page or your registered webinar registration page, and be there for three or four seconds trying to get the page to load. They'll just leave even if you're building on your own site, make sure that you're optimizing your images so that they're small file size, you want your images to load, don't stack your sales page or your webinar or thing with gifts, have one gift if you want. But if it's at the top of the page, try for a static image. Because gifts tend to be large file size, they take a little while to load. So some if you're if it's the first thing somebody sees, it's not going to usually load for them really quickly. So if it's down farther on page, it gives it time to load before somebody gets there.
Sara: A lot about the user experience like and how that will be.
Sandra: Yeah, yeah.
Sara: And then what about like when you're mentioning having these for like our sales pages and our and things like that in our funnels for if we had a one to one service or things like that, because I know some of our listeners also have that one to one service as well as launching your product. Would you say those could be on our page or should we also be optimizing those for traffic on those on like something like lead pages if we have WordPress or something like that?
Sandra: Yeah, I usually do like my services and things that they're on my page by again Double check your bounce rate, double check your page, make sure that and when you're, when I'm saying double check, make sure that like you clear your cookies, clear your cache, and then try going to your page and see how it loads or go to a completely different computer and try and see how it how it loads and checking it on mobile as well. Because yeah, if it's loading slow, or it's glitchy, or it's anything like that, you're gonna need to do some edits. And you might even have to do some upgrades to your, to your site hosting, depending on your traffic levels.
Sara: Sandra, I think this is so helpful, because we haven't covered in looking at analytics or bounce rates and things like this before in the podcast. And I know that it can be so disheartening, we're putting all this effort into our launch stuff. And if maybe it's just that there's something actually going with our website, that's an easy fix for us compared to some of the other stuff. And we might need to be doing a little less daunting than maybe getting in the train like more audience. But that's something that we can control more. It sounds like, yeah, for sure. It's nice to have some things like that.
Sandra: Yeah. And honestly, like, don't be afraid to do like interesting and new things. The lazy way. Like I've seen people have really successful launches for things like, you know, application based memberships or high ticket services purchased. Having a Google doc like their sales page is a Google app, it has like a heading an image, the information and a link to a to a checkout or a link to the application. And I've seen some people have some really good results with that. Because one is a pattern interrupt people don't aren't used to seeing that into it's just, it's just simple. It works really well. If you have if you're really engaged with your audience, and they like they know already know, like and trust you if you have like, you know, big fans, that something like that will definitely tends to work really well. And then it's also a really good test. If it's the first time you've put it out as an offer. Why spend $2,500 on a sales page, having somebody designs sales page for you just do a Google Doc and see how well it sells, get some feedback gets the most customers research done, and then go from there.
Sara: Oh, my gosh, that's so good all about being scrappy testing. So is there a way we can predict when a business will hit a six figure launch?
Sandra: Honestly, not really. I've seen some surprising things happen where it's like some like any bitty people with 100 or 200 people on their list managed to have with like a high ticket offer. Like they sell half the people on their list, and they have a six figure launch. So it's not like that's those are definitely the outliers. I would say like I because I've also seen people that have like 1000s, like 10s of 1000s of people on their list struggle to hit six figures consistently. So I would say like it really the going back to how engages your audience, how aligned is your offer to your audience. That's really the key factor, like all of the tricks and stuff you can do to override somebody's Critical Thinking areas in order to get them to press the buy button like you can do all those tricks. But it really is people need to see and understand and believe that you have the solution to their problem and that you understand what their problem is. If there's a mismatch of that no, no amount of red, yellow, flashing, limited time offer, fake urgency is going to get people to buy.
Sara: So mentioning those things that can override our decision making. And there's been a lot of talk about that in the online space. I feel like especially in the past couple of years, and I think more and more people are calling attention to maybe this isn't great or in integrity or ethical even to do are there some practices that you're seeing shift in that perspective, the last few launches you've done?
Sandra: Yeah, I see. I do see a lot of people really paying more attention to that using persuasion techniques is not a bad thing. It's cuz sometimes some of those things are helpful. Sometimes people need them, like we get stuck in, you know, analysis paralysis all the time we get stuck it like she is this the right move forward. And we will talk ourselves out of doing the thing we need, we know we need to do, because we're scared, you know, making the wrong decision or not being able to follow through or failing or whatever it is. So sometimes those persuasion techniques are useful. Some there are some people who need to see a timer because they are, they totally don't have any relationship with time. So they'll get a, you know, promo email at the beginning of a thing. And it'll say you have two weeks and they'll say great, and I have all the time in the world. And then if you don't put a timer in that offer at the very last minute, they're gonna miss it because even though that they want to buy just because of the way their brain works, so I think the problem comes when you layer all of them on top of one another, purposely to trick people into buying something. If you don't believe that your offer is the solution to a problem. And you have to rely on those tricks to get people to buy. That's, that's where there's an issue and I actually wrote an email about it and I got really angry at 100. But those things work. So I'm not telling you, I would never tell somebody not to work that to use those things because they do work. There's a reason people use them. But just understand that like, color can change how choc chocolate tastes. So if you're using color to persuade people, you understand that that's what you're doing. If you're using blinking, you know, flashing timers, and like limited time offers, whether whether they're fake or real, you're using all sorts of you know, prices going up last minute, your you could be like me, look at me standing on a plane, whatever, and just know what you're doing when you're using those things and be okay with what you're doing. Understand that you're actually overriding somebody's brain and their critical thinking process. And I can't tell you whether to do that or not, it works. I prefer not to do that I would rather somebody in my program, or I'd rather work with somebody who understands that I am the solution to their problem.
Sara: Absolutely. It sounds a lot like what really matters is our intent behind it.
Sandra: Yeah.
Sara: And being just like in integrity with I guess, ourselves and how we want to be as marketers and as human. Yeah. Were you thinking those things?
Sandra: Yep. Exactly. Yeah.
Sara: What would you like to see more business owners embrace when it comes to launch?
Sandra: I would just like to see more people embrace not getting it perfect. I would like so many people I talk to you, they're like, Oh, I can't do it yet. Because of XYZ, you know, they wait years and years, just just put something out there. If this is something that you believe is going to help your audience, then you're stealing from them if you don't, if you don't offer it to them. So you know, make the offer, do it. You know, do it dirty, do it, like do it imperfectly. And just see what happens. And the other thing is test things and pay attention. So if you put an offer out, and it doesn't sell, do the research to figure out why it didn't sell so that you can tweak whatever needed to be whatever needs to be tweaked in order to sell it better. Next time. I've seen many people who they put an offer out it doesn't sell so they create another offer, it doesn't sell create another offer it doesn't sell rather than a creative software. Why isn't it selling? It's, you know, oh, it's because I'm offering it to, to these people when it's really meant for these people. Like when I first started, when I first started my business I had on my website, like I was doing a blog a week, and every blog had a different freebie that you could opt into. And they were all about, you know how to build your business and how to like, do the customer service stuff. But it was like all over the place. And I couldn't understand why people weren't opting into them. And it was because when I first started, I was a virtual assistant offering virtual assistant services. Nobody was coming to me for business advice. They wanted to come to me to get stuff done. So they didn't want the business advice from me. Because one they didn't think I actually, when people i It's unfortunate, but when people think of a virtual assistant, they will often put them the low themselves in the hierarchy, which is a mistake, because your virtual assistant often knows a lot of things that you should be listening to. But yeah, so but but people if they're coming to you for oranges, and you're talking to them about bananas, they're not going to listen to you.
Sara: That makes so much sense. And then, if things aren't going so well in a lunch, I know you mentioned again, looking at these different spots along the way, but are there a few things that we can do a few levers we can pull that may help at least boost our numbers a little bit?
Sandra: Yes. Oh, it depends on again, where the issue lies. But assuming that it's like your sales page is out. Everything else was good. But now your sales page isn't converting. First of all, check to see, hopefully you can if you're using LeadPages, I know you definitely can. But you can see like if your checkout pages separate rate, so are people clicking to the checkout and then not completing. Because when somebody goes to the checkout like you should be seeing from checkout to purchase 60 to 75% conversion on that once people go to the checkout, it has to be something really weird that happens that gets them to not buy. So if you're seeing that, like people are getting to the checkout page, but then not buying like maybe your checkout is you're only converting at checkout for 20% or something. There's something on the checkout page, let's problem look at it on mobile, like make sure that for testing, make sure it's working. Make sure it's not asking for any weird information that people don't want to put in. Like, you know, if you're asking for a phone number, make sure it's optional. Make sure you say why you want it those kinds of things. Usually it's not the checkout page that's the problem. It's really rare for that to be but it's still worth looking at usually it's the sales page so make sure that your you know your heading is like they they can see like this is what it's for like this is the you're answering the thing that the problem that they have. And you're saying like this is your solution. This is why I'm coming here. Make sure you have testimonials high up. So those are all like little tweaks that I'm sure you've talked about before. I'm sure I've heard you talk before. But the other thing, which I think I've heard you talk about this to actually is, but worth mentioning, again, is personal and reach. So this is really good if you have a small list. But even if you don't have a small list, you can see who's been the most engaged in in the launch. So one thing I do is like, anytime somebody clicks to the sales page, I make sure that their tag, so I can see all the people who have already clicked to the sales page. So I know that they've been engaged. So you can see somebody who's like, if you have a couple of different pre launch content, and they've clicked to your sales page a few times, then you know, like, okay, this person is there's, they're interested in this, they keep opening my emails, they keep clicking the page, what's stopping them, reach out to that web saying, hey, you know, I see that you might be interested in this program, or this offer, I wanted to check in with you see if there's any questions that golfer might get on a call with you, whatever you want to offer, but do some personal outreach. And, you know, again, like if, if your product is $37, you're probably not going to stop and do personal reach in the middle. But if you're it's like, you know, a $1,500 product, it can be worth doing that personal reach. And then definitely like doing some launch debrief at the end chatting with people asking people do some voice of customer work, you know, like, hire somebody to, to actually chat with the people who bought and, and people who didn't buy to get to get down to why like what's happening? Where's the where, where is the disconnect? But a lot of times, you can actually just look and go okay, well, I just, I just had them on a webinar about, you know, knife sharpening, and now I'm asking them about timeshares in, you know, Billy's like, that's what I tried to sell. It was notes, things are not connected. So that's probably the problem.
Sara: That's so helpful. I hope you're all taking any notes. And that comment around the tagging thing. I think I have talked about that. And I believe I've heard that way back from you years ago, for sure. Which is why I started doing in my business. Like getting my clients to like, make sure you do that. Yeah, actually not to actually see who's interested. And then it's or some part of a launch is your very favorite even area that you really like to work on or focus on when you're doing launches?
Sandra: And I to so many of them like I can't and I think what I really liked doing is I do really like looking at looking at the sales page and saying and asking like, is this, the thing that would move me forward? Is this the thing that would move somebody forward? Just kind of finding those little tiny tweaks, I love it when you know some I hate it when somebody launches going poorly. But I love it when there's like something that's not going right. And I'm able to just look at it and go, Oh, well, let's just move this testimonial up here. Like let's replace this testimonial with this testimonial. Let's see. Sometimes it's just a simple thing like, Oh, like that color, it's really hard to see like, you have this image behind your heading and I can barely read the text and even if it can read the text, I don't want to because it's very distracting distressful. So let's tweak that, let's make it a color overlay so that you can't actually you can barely see the image. You just want it for the tech Street and what I had just little things like that I love I love kind of.
Sara: I feel like with all your skills, you'd be like the best investigator the best detective on the case, like, dig in here.
Sandra: I am not shocked. Like I am not a yes person. So people ask me all the time, because if I, you know if you if we go shopping together, you put on a dress and you say how does this look? I'm not gonna be mean. But if I'm like, It's not most flattering on you, I will tell you like, let's keep looking, you know, if you send copy to me and say How do you like this copy? I'm gonna say Oh, I like this part. I like this part. But we need to change here here. And let's see. And I don't usually tell it say like, we need to change that. They'll just say, let us ask the question like, is this? Is this what your audience wants? Is that what they're because maybe I don't know, I could be wrong, but like, just just ask yourself the question, which take a second and ask yourself, would this move me forward to put yourself in your audience's shoes? And like, if this is how you were feeling? Is this what's going to get you out of that feeling? Like move you forward into the buy?
Sara: That's so it makes so much sense and a great question as we get to the end of our interview. And my final question for you Sandra, which is if our listeners could only walk away with or with one thing from this episode, what do you hope it would be?
Sandra: I hope it would be to not give up. Hope it would be to do the investigation. And you know, keep trying because the worst thing you can do is have a fantastic offer that you put you know poured your heart and soul into, try it once and then see what didn't work. to move on, if you think it's really the answer to somebody's prayers, then you owe it to themselves in to them and to yourself to actually try again.
Sara: That's such a perfect way to end this interview. I think just this. I feel like it's very hopeful. And it's very practical as well that we want to like, keep going out there, as you said, like, don't just give up before earlier. But keep putting the work and investigation into figure out what's going on. Yeah, and I have that.
Sandra: Yeah. If you don't want to jump from offer to offer blind, if you are going to create a new offer, you need to know like, what was it about this one that they didn't like? Because otherwise you're just going to repeat the same stuff?
Sara: That makes so much sense. So Sandra where can our listeners find out more about working with you?
Sandra: You can always find me at my website, any old task.ca.com to get you there as well. But any old task, all word, and you can also find me on Instagram at your desk.
Sara: And you have a freebie to share with us to write our listeners.
Sandra: Yes, I do. And it's going to be a little incongruent, since we were talking all about launches, but to highlight the idea of getting help when you need it. If you've ever wondered what the heck you can get help with in your business? What What could it be even do for you, there is a task list of five things you shouldn't be doing in your business pretty much ever, and 50 others to a VA so you can find that any old tasks.ca/list
Sara: My gosh, I know our listeners are gonna love that, because that's one company. I've heard that a lot of them are looking for support or how to get more support with their lunches. So I think it's really relevant to our conversation because they need it to get to those six free lunches eventually. So we'll put Of course, all those details in the show notes. Sandra, thank you so much for joining me today in the launch playbook podcast.
Sandra: Thanks so much for having me, Sara. This is awesome.
Sara: It's so much fun. Thanks for tuning into the launch playbook podcast.
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